Let thy eye be single

Once upon a time there was a young high school student named Greg who was playing badminton with his friends. He happened to be wearing glasses and back then glasses were made with real glass. His teammate thought it would be funny to spin the badminton racket on Greg's head and it would have been had the handle not gone off balance and smashed into his friend's glasses. 

Greg had a piece of glass lodged into his eye and couldn't see. Lucky for him a brave cheerleader, who was standing close-by, came over and removed the shard from his eye. In after years, Greg would recall that being a highlight for him.

Greg's mother took him to a major hospital in St. Louis in an attempt to save her son's eye. Eventually, he developed glaucoma and they had to remove it. Greg selected a beautiful, life-like plastic eyeball to fill the void and trained his eyes to move in perfect synchronization so that no one could tell he was blind in one eye. 

This set back didn't deter the young man as he went off to college and on to make a career for himself. In fact, Greg had a remarkable sense of humor about the entire event. 

After becoming a father, he would come up to the crib of his middle child and amuse her at night by taking out his eye. The young girl was delighted by this act and would try to remove her own eye, or at least that's what her mother discovered when she went to kiss their daughter goodnight. 

Years later when this daughter had become a teen, her father would continue to amuse and delight her with his "bad" eye. While driving down the interstate, he would pop it out and stick it in his mouth rotating it left to right and looking at the other drivers as they passed-by! One passenger was so startled by the sight that it made his daughter laugh out loud. 

Greg was a quiet man who would often laugh in the face of misfortune. 


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